Petrified Wood Park is a Selfie Paradise

By |March 1, 2021|Lemmon|

Take a selfie in Lemmon’s Petrified Wood Park and everyone in your social media family will wonder about your whereabouts. The city’s signature attraction, dating to the 1930s, is a funky collection of petrified wood, [...]

A Town For All Who Love Cowboys

By |March 1, 2021|Lemmon|

If someone designed a town for the American cowboy, it would look a lot like Lemmon. The little city that straddles the border of the two Dakotas has just 1,200 citizens but it seems 10 [...]

Retrace the Hugh Glass Story

By |March 1, 2021|Lemmon|

The survival story of Hugh Glass is immortalized in literature and movies, most recently in Leonardo DiCaprio’s The Revenant. Though the film has fictionalized elements (such as snow-capped peaks in Perkins County), it did leave [...]

  • Mount Rushmore

Make the Most of Rushmore

By |February 23, 2021|Keystone|

Mount Rushmore may be the main reason you’re here, so don’t gaze and then go away. There’s much to be found below the faces. Here are a few tips: 1) Sample the ice cream at [...]

  • Keystone

Enjoy the Mountain Architecture

By |February 23, 2021|Keystone|

Remember the old quip that dancer Ginger Rogers could do everything Fred Rogers could do — and do it backwards in heels? That’s also true of people who create bridges, roads and buildings in rugged [...]

  • underpass Keystone

Gateway to Scenic Roadways

By |February 23, 2021|Keystone|

Keystone is the northern gateway to the Peter Norbeck Scenic Byway, heralded as one of America’s most scenic and historic roadways. The route was chosen by Norbeck, a U.S. senator who championed Mount Rushmore. When [...]

  • shopping in Keystone

Shopping in Keystone

By |February 23, 2021|Keystone|

Keystone is a one-of-a-kind shopping experience. You’ll meet candy-makers, chain saw artists, rockhounds, fine art aficionados, gold miners, wild game chefs, t-shirt designers, cowboy comedians and other interesting characters. Their life’s work is to welcome [...]

  • ropes course

Keystone is a Playground, So Play

By |February 23, 2021|Keystone|

Don’t be misled by those four stony faces above town; Keystone is fun and games — especially in the heart of summer. Enjoy scenic chairlifts, an Alpine slide, zip lines that span a mile, mini [...]