Dinosaur Park: Not Just for Reptiles and Kids
Dinosaur Park isn’t just for children. The unusual attraction, built by WPA workers and artist Emmet Sullivan in 1936, is one of Rapid City's original attractions. Steep stairs leading to the six concrete dinosaurs limits [...]
Downtown Art: Even Echoing in the Alleys
We’d be crazy not to recommend, first and foremost, the Dahl Arts Center, a sun-filled gallery featuring some of the best art to be found in the West. There’s no admission fee, but you’ll want [...]
Petrified Wood Park is a Selfie Paradise
Take a selfie in Lemmon’s Petrified Wood Park and everyone in your social media family will wonder about your whereabouts. The city’s signature attraction, dating to the 1930s, is a funky collection of petrified wood, [...]
A Town For All Who Love Cowboys
If someone designed a town for the American cowboy, it would look a lot like Lemmon. The little city that straddles the border of the two Dakotas has just 1,200 citizens but it seems 10 [...]
Retrace the Hugh Glass Story
The survival story of Hugh Glass is immortalized in literature and movies, most recently in Leonardo DiCaprio’s The Revenant. Though the film has fictionalized elements (such as snow-capped peaks in Perkins County), it did leave [...]
Grand River Museum: Cowboys, Indians & Creationism
The Schmidts began finding fossils and Native American artifacts in 1910 when the family started homesteading in the Grand River Valley. Their Old West collection grew with their love of the land, and in 1998 [...]
Welcome to Keystone … a Dynamite Town
Imagine you have a nice little farm community of friendly people who are busy growing corn and beans in the summer months. When winter comes, they catch up on chores and make plans for the [...]
Make the Most of Rushmore
Mount Rushmore may be the main reason you’re here, so don’t gaze and then go away. There’s much to be found below the faces. Here are a few tips: 1) Sample the ice cream at [...]
Enjoy the Mountain Architecture
Remember the old quip that dancer Ginger Rogers could do everything Fred Rogers could do — and do it backwards in heels? That’s also true of people who create bridges, roads and buildings in rugged [...]
Gateway to Scenic Roadways
Keystone is the northern gateway to the Peter Norbeck Scenic Byway, heralded as one of America’s most scenic and historic roadways. The route was chosen by Norbeck, a U.S. senator who championed Mount Rushmore. When [...]
Shopping in Keystone
Keystone is a one-of-a-kind shopping experience. You’ll meet candy-makers, chain saw artists, rockhounds, fine art aficionados, gold miners, wild game chefs, t-shirt designers, cowboy comedians and other interesting characters. Their life’s work is to welcome [...]
Keystone is a Playground, So Play
Don’t be misled by those four stony faces above town; Keystone is fun and games — especially in the heart of summer. Enjoy scenic chairlifts, an Alpine slide, zip lines that span a mile, mini [...]